Author : 
Heather G Harris

Two hunters are out in the woods when one of them collapses…

Two hunters are out in the woods when one of them collapses…

Two hunters are out in the woods when one of them collapses…
He’s not breathing so his friend calls 999. “My friend is dead, what do I do?” The operator says, “Calm down, first make sure that he’s really dead.” There’s a silence, then a loud bang. Back on the phone the guy says, “Ok, now what?”


OK, ok. That made me laugh so much, way too much. Sleep deprivation has a lot to answer for, but I had to share it with you even though it’s longer than my usual MO.

How is your September looking? I’ve had a great day today. My puppy dog, Oscar the beautiful Great Dane, is 12 today. We had a party and everything. I know some of you will think I’m being ridiculous but he’s really old now, ancient for a Dane, and his time is nigh. So we had a party. All of our local family came, complete with wrapped up presents and dog cake. He loved it. He always loves tearing wrapping paper to shreds. It’s a beautiful thing. A reminder to enjoy the small things in life.

Bookish update:

I have been working my little behind off getting a FREE novella ready for you. It’s going to be a prequel to Protection of The Pack and I think you’ll love it. Karen my wonder editor is waving her magic wand over it (she is truly magical) and then I’ll share it with you as soon as I can. I even have a beautiful cover to go with it. Can’t wait to share it with you.

The Audiobook of Protection of the Pack is now out! Yay!

Have you read Protection yet? If so please get in touch if you enjoyed it. I’m like Pavlov’s dog, I live for positive reinforcement.

Heather Reads

You know the deal by now, this is a section of my Blog where I shine a light on other great Indie books and authors. Here you will find books that I have genuinely read and loved, and that I think you will enjoy too.

This week I’m going to feature Cass Kay.

Meet Vianna Roots. She has been running from her past for ten years, escaping her family’s Legacy as one of the four main Witch Covens in Salem. Vianna’s estranged mother has passed away, forcing Vianna to return to Salem and confront her past. But that’s not all she’ll find, because just like in Sixth Sense, Vianna can see dead people. Her mum was a bitch in life and death hasn’t softened her. Vianna takes drastic action to make sure her mum’s spirit stays far away which has consequences she couldn’t have foreseen.

Vianna wants to pack up and go ASAFP but there’s a few issues she’s got to sort out first. Like the demon familiar tied to her family’s living house (think Encanto but darker and endlessly more fun), and the fact that whilst her oldest friend is officially missing, her ghost is in the bathroom. Vianna has a mystery to solve, a house to save and a decision to make. Will she stay or will she go? (If you’re not singing The Clash song then google it immediately).

Cass Kay’s debut novel, Legacy Witches, was an un-put-downable read. It’s in the third person, which isn’t my favourite, but nonetheless I got HOOKED. The writing is fast paced and fun. It is a darker grittier read than my usual but with brilliant moments of humour that had me chuckling away. Great gritty Urban Fantasy that will leave you on the edge of your seat. I couldn’t put it down. All the stars. At least 5. I loved it.

It is coming out on 11th October but you have a wonderful opportunity to grab it for FREE as Cass Kay is doing a Goodreads Giveaway. Click the image and follow the link to enter.

Heather Update

This has been a super long blog already and I want to watch the Great British Bake Off, so I’ll wrap it up now with a hope that you grab Legacy Witches with a cheeky pre-order. If you do, please tell me how much you loved it when it arrives on your kindle!

Take care and speak soon,

Heather x

Your Free Book Is Waiting

But when I’m hired to retrieve a lost heirloom, I had no idea the job was going to send me careening into a co-existing magical realm where my dog is a hell hound, and where there are werewolves and dragons and elves…

Subscribe to Heather’s newsletter for a free copy of Glimmer of Dragons,
a prequel to my complete series The Other Realm.

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