Author : 
Heather G Harris

Outside of a dog, a book is a man’s best friend…

Outside of a dog, a book is a man’s best friend…

Inside a dog, it’s too dark to read!


How are you doing? That joke is a Groucho Marx quote. It was too funny not to share!

I can’t believe we are into February already! This year is already flying at supersonic speed! It’s my birthday in a few days time, I’m hoping to see my cousins that I haven’t seen in a while so that will be great.

Bookish news

I have decided that (eventually) I will be putting my audiobooks on YouTube. Soon you will be able to enjoy them for free (albeit with ads!) I am also going to upload them to my Patreon as part of the $3 tier and upwards. So you will also be able to get the audiobooks there with no ads very cheaply.

The funny thing is YouTube has a no “vulgar” language rule so my narrator is re-recording the books, removing all the swears and putting in “darn” and “heck” instead. From now on I’ll be recording a clean and sweary version of every book. The Patreon account will have the sweary version still. And of course my audiobooks are now WIDE! You can get them on kobo and chirp and hoopla and spotify and all the good places, as well audible. In fact Glimmer of the Other is currently very cheap on Chirp (I believe!)

I don’t intend to go into too much detail, but suffice to say Audible really does hold authors to ransom. Most digital retailers/audiobook providers will give the creator 50% to 70% of the sale price. Audible gives me 25%. Audible has recently slashed their sale prices too, good for consumers, bad for authors. So what I’m really saying is, if you can buy the audio books anywhere other than Audible, please do. Audiobooks are incredibly expensive to produce and it can take years and year to earn that money back. Personally, I’m determined to keep going with audiobooks because I still want people with sight impairment to have access to my books. For me, producing audio is the right thing to do, regardless if it’s operating at a loss. But that’s another reason why it’s going on to YouTube (in due course) I would rather it be enjoyed by the many, even if it’s free, than the few.

Anyway, *hops off the soapbox* the take away from that ramble is, I know Audible is super convenient but please consider other retailers if you can!

This week I have released three chapters of Challenge of the Court to my Patreon account, they are now on chapter 8. So far the feedback has been positive! So that’s a relief.

Spotlight reads

Here’s some new spotlight reads for you to cosy up to! Nellie H Steele writes cozy paranormal mystery and it’s been on my TBR for ages. If you grab it, let me know what you think!

Heather Reads

I’m still doing my read-a-long with Kim McDougall Dragon’s Don’t Eat Meat, I am thoroughly enjoying this story and wouldn’t hesitate to recommend it. The main character, Kyra, is totally badass and I can’t wait to learn more about her and her history. There are a BUNCH of cute animal critters and sidekicks that I’ve been loving, a slow burn romance, and she has Gargoyles which I have a soft spot for. One of the Gargoyles is called Angus and he’s so funny, he’s always talking in mixed metaphors which makes me giggle because my husband and his best mate do that ALL the time. “When in Rome, cooks spoil the broth.” They think they’re hilarious.

Fans of my work are loving Kim’s, a lot of my read-a-long buddies have left me behind and they’ve plowed onwards into the series!

Anyway, if you’d like to join in, it’s in Kindle Unlimited.

If you’d like to join the discussion, you can head over to my Facebook group, Heather G Harris’s Other Realm or on my Facebook page.

I hope you’re keeping well! Take care and speak soon, Heather x

Your Free Book Is Waiting

But when I’m hired to retrieve a lost heirloom, I had no idea the job was going to send me careening into a co-existing magical realm where my dog is a hell hound, and where there are werewolves and dragons and elves…

Subscribe to Heather’s newsletter for a free copy of Glimmer of Dragons,
a prequel to my complete series The Other Realm.

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