Author : 
Heather G Harris
Category : 

Did you hear they arrested the Devil?

Did you hear they arrested the Devil?

Yeah, they got him on possession…!


How are you? It is a big day in casa Harris. Saviour of the Pack is finally LIVE! You heard me, it is out! WAHOOOOOO!

Fair warning, Saviour is a rollercoaster. You’ll love it, but buckle up. You may ugly cry. My advance readers claim it is my best book yet, and I’m excited to see if you’ll agree.

Bookish Update

Saviour of the Pack is out and the series is COMPLETE! If you’ve been waiting until it’s all out to read, you may now go go go!

In case you’re on the fence about reading Saviour (It is FREE in Kindle Unlimited!!) here is a little excerpt from chapter 1!


I winced as Tristan ripped out a chunk of Greg’s fur, exposing red-raw flesh underneath. Theirs was the final fight of our pack tourney, the battle for number two, beta to my alpha. I was supposed to be impartial but fuck that; I was inches away from standing up and cheering for Greg.

Stop toying with him and finish it! growled Esme.

I don’t think he’s messing about, I disagreed.

Esme snorted. Greg and his wolf could destroy Tristan in seconds. They choose not to. They give him hope, so the win will be more crushing.

You sound like you approve.

It is a different way to hunt prey. It is not as good as my way.

What is your way?

Instant death, she said decisively.

Sure but Tristan is a member of our pack. We don’t want to kill our pack. It was bad that I sometimes felt I had to spell this out to my wolfish counterpart.

Tristan does not accept us as alpha, she sniffed. He knelt, but he does not accept us. Not truly. Better a dead dissenter than a live one.

It’s frowned on to kill people just because they don’t like you.

You humans frown too much. Who cares what your face does?

Not for the first time, I was speechless. I’m one of a kind, a werewolf who can pipe. Like the Pied Piper, I can talk to animals – all animals, not just rats. My magic means that I can actually speak to my resident wolf. Most of the time that’s a blessing, but other days the chasm between us is so wide that no bridge could cross it. She’s my sister from another mister – a wolf mister – but she is a sister, nonetheless. And, like all siblings, sometimes we squabble but the love is always there.

My breath caught as Tristan’s claw snagged Greg’s haunches. Greg’s wolf let out an ominous growl – not a yip of pain but a deep growl. The hammer was about to fall. His eyes flashed gold for a second before returning to their usual shade of blue, then he swung into action.

Now I could see that Esme was right. As Greg pushed into the next gear, Tristan didn’t stand a chance. My beta bared his teeth and flashed his deadly fangs, but that was all the warning Tristan got before Greg slammed forcefully into him and sent him skidding across the dewy grass.

My heart was hammering as I watched. The potential for deadly violence was hanging in the air; if Greg lost control of his wolf now, he would rip out Tristan’s throat.

As Greg prowled forward, the tension in the field was high. All the spectators seemed to be holding their breath. Tristan got to his feet, ready to go again.

Fool. He should have stayed down, Esme murmured.

I didn’t disagree.

At the last moment, Greg put on a burst of speed. Tristan did the same and they collided in a clash of claws and fur. ‘Come on Greg,’ I whispered.

I needn’t have worried. In a blur, Greg was gripping Tristan by his throat. Tristan froze – we all did. One wrong move by him, or a tiny slip of Greg’s control, and Tristan’s lifeblood was going to spill all over the ground.

Then Tristan carefully tucked his tail between his legs and let out the softest whine. He concedes! I said jubilantly to Esme.

But will Greg accept it? she asked softly, tension radiating through our bond.

Saviour of the Pack is now available in e-book and paperback and never fear, the audiobook is just being narrated and hopefully that should also be out in a few weeks.



No spotlight reads this week, as it is all about me today haha!

If you’ve read Protection of The Pack, and Guardians of the Pack, I would love to beg a review from you. Whether it is on Amazon, Bookbub, or Goodreads (or all three!) Reviews are literally the lifeblood of indie authors, I don’t have a big publishing house behind me, managing my marketing, it’s just me and my computer.

Reviews help persuade people to take a chance on a new-to-them authors. If you are part of a genre specific group, like Fans Of Urban Fantasy on Facebook (Great group!), please consider posting a review post there (if you liked it!!).

Reviews and word of mouth from my fans are SO much more effective than me posting about my work. So if you love my work, and you’d like to see more from me, please help support me by spreading the word!

Right, it is late here, and release days are always a bit crazy. I’m going to have a cup of tea and try and calm down. When you’ve read Saviour, PLEASE drop me a line and tell me what you thought. If you’ve read Jinx and Lucy, which is your favourite series and why?

Take care and speak soon,

Heather x

Your Free Book Is Waiting

But when I’m hired to retrieve a lost heirloom, I had no idea the job was going to send me careening into a co-existing magical realm where my dog is a hell hound, and where there are werewolves and dragons and elves…

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a prequel to my complete series The Other Realm.

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