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Heather G Harris
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Did you hear about the explosion of the cheesecake factory in France?

Did you hear about the explosion of the cheesecake factory in France?

Did you hear about the explosion of the cheesecake factory in France? There was nothing left but de Brie…

Debris. Get it? It took me a moment.

Things have been dicey here. Really dicey. My husband has been having some weird symptoms for a few weeks and the medical process has been achingly slow.

This week someone in the know got a hold of his notes and got things moving. On Wednesday, he had emergency spinal surgery. So that was insanely stressful. It all happened very fast and the risks were terrifying. An author’s imagination is a bad thing at times. Those four hours while I was waiting to hear the outcome were pretty terrible. But all’s well that ends well. He’s already home safe and sound and in recovery. I am endlessly grateful that we got that outcome. He’s walking and talking, so we’re blessed.

So as you can imagine, my head has not been in the game. Sorry about that.

Bookish update

The good news is Saviour of the Pack is just around the corner, it’s coming at you November 4th!

Available to pre-order, here’s the new blurb for you:-

My mum told me I could be anything I wanted to be – and it turns out that I want to be an alpha werewolf. I’m finally starting to get a hang of this alpha malarkey when destiny sticks her oar in once again.

There’s a prophecy about me, and it’s time for me to find out what it says. So when my best friend Jess cooks up a hare-brained scheme to get hold of the prophecy through fair means or foul, I’m along for the ride before you can say ‘bail money’.

Getting my wolfy paws on the prophecy is only the beginning, though, because I’m not the only one aware of its existence. Some of my enemies will stop at nothing to prevent the prophecy from coming true. I’ve a battle on my hands, so it’s lucky that I have super soldier Greg Manners by my side.

I’m a pretty chilled-out alpha, but when unknown wolves slink onto my land and attack my unicorn, all bets are off. No one attacks my murderous little Ares and gets away with it.

Beckett Frost is coming my way with vengeance in mind; the black witch is still free, ready to steal powers and destroy lives; I have enemies piling up around me – so I do what any girl would do and call in my family, my weirdly Other birth family. I need allies, and fast, because war is coming to Home Counties Pack whether we’re ready or not.

Luckily, Esme was born ready.

Bring it on.


Again, so sorry but I haven’t managed a Heather Reads section this week. I haven’t had the time with everything that’s going on. I promise it will be back in a couple of weeks time.

In the meantime I hope you’re enjoying Protection and Guardians, please do leave me a review if you get a moment. Firstly, I love them, secondly, they help other readers find me!

I hope your week has been better, with none of your loved ones being in mortal peril. I’ve eaten my body weight in ice cream, chocolate and doughnuts. Yikes!

Take care and speak soon,

Heather x

Your Free Book Is Waiting

But when I’m hired to retrieve a lost heirloom, I had no idea the job was going to send me careening into a co-existing magical realm where my dog is a hell hound, and where there are werewolves and dragons and elves…

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a prequel to my complete series The Other Realm.

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