

urban fantasy writer and mum

urban fantasy writer and mum


Heather is a top-100 Amazon best-selling fantasy author. She is honoured and privileged to work full time as an author. She is British, so expect those extra u’s and less of those z’s.

Queries about translation rights can be sent directly to her agent: [email protected]

Queries about TV/Film rights can be sent to her agent: [email protected]

Heather went to university in Liverpool. There she took up skydiving and met her future husband. Nowadays, she owns a Great Dane called Sierra who is her dutiful work colleague, sitting for hours next to Heather while she writes tales of magic, mystery and love. 

When Heather’s not running around after her three gorgeous children, she is often plotting her next book. In her spare time she daydreams about vampires, dragons and kick ass heroines.

Heather would love to hear nice things or helpful critique from her fans, so feel free to email on our contact page.

Flames will be met with marshmallows.

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