Author : 
Heather G Harris

Hi and happy holidays!

Hi and happy holidays!

Hi and happy holidays!

I can’t wait for you to dive into Glimmer of Christmas, a feel-good novella where Jinx saves Christmas for a little girl! It’s set between Glimmer of Hope and Glimmer of Death, and is a lovely feel good tale which includes Jinx and Emory’s first proper date!

Bookish News!

There is a bunch of stuff happening over the next few days, including the fact that Defender of the Pack is officially out today! Whoot! If you’ve read it, please do leave me a review on Amazon, Bookbub or Goodreads! Every review makes such a big difference.

Bargain Books

Just a reminder about my series bargains to be had this Christmas.

The Pack series is going to be discounted as follows, 15th to 22nd December:

  • Protection 0.99
  • Guardians 1.99
  • Saviour 2.99

For Jinx we have a bargain 25th to 30th December:

  • The ENTIRE Other Realm e-book collection is going to be FREE for these 5 days only (To be clear this is the boxset/omnibus addition only)

What is especially important about that is I have updated the boxset now. Glimmer of Dragons has been removed (Since it is now elsewhere) and I have updated the boxset to include a NEW novella. This one is called Steward of the Pack, and it is ONLY available in this boxset. It is a Lucy tale. You can also grab this in Kindle Unlimited.

If you have previously purchased the boxset, you can hit “update content” on your kindle and get the latest novella.


Spotlight Reads

Here are my usual Spotlight Reads for you to dive into, as well as a host of group promo full of great reads.

I’ve included a link to a “giveaway” that has closed because there are still FREE books on there for you to look at, even with the giveaway closed and you can register your interest for their next giveaway too.

“Deck your e-reader” is FULL of books for only 0.99!

Bargain Alert

Heads up on a bargain, Nicholas Woode-Smith’s boxset is only 0.99 for the next few days so grab that while you can, AND he has other boxsets on sale, Books 5 -8 is only 2.99 and books 9, 10, 11 and a spin-off are 4.99. Get them while they’re discounted!

Brand new

JS Kennedy’s Green Shadow is out tomorrow (16th December!) Head on over to her website to check out the first in series, Green Gryphon. It’s on my TBR, I’ve heard good things about it!

Happy reading!

Spotlight Reads

Heather Reads

I have discovered the BEST author and I’m so excited to share her with you all. Her name is Brogan Thomas and her writing is wonderful. She writes female main character’s with underdog vibes who is then transformed into a kick ass hero! Her stories all have a small romantic subplot line which has no on screen spice.

I found her books and I have utterly devoured the series in about 3 or 4 days. Get yourselves started with Cursed Wolf.

Cursed Wolf was Brogan Thomas’s debut novel. And what a novel it was! I absolutely loved it. You can grab it in Kindle Unlimited, buy it in ebook, paperback or listen to it on audiobook.

Brogan’s writing has such depth, it’s impossible not to fall in love with her amazing characters. Her books are fast paced, fun and so emotive. I’m rooting for her main characters with everything in me and Brogan never disappoints.

Meet Forrest, a wolf shifter. As a child she was stuck in her wolf form and abused. One day she regains her human form and her life can start anew. And this time, she’s not going to be anyone’s victim. This is a beautiful underdog-turned-kick-ass-heroine story, and I’m here all day for it. Forrest’s transition was gradual and beautifully done.

I adore how Brogan has her main characters growing up and learning how to save themselves. There might be a white knight or two, but in the end the FMCs learn to kick ass and take names. They are nobody’s victims.

I devoured this book in two sittings, only pausing to sleep. It was a brilliant action packed urban fantasy read which I loved, with plenty of twists to keep you guessing. There’s a low level romantic subplot with no on screen spice bar a kiss or two. The book has violence, abuse and swearing but ultimately it leaves you feeling uplifted and triumphant. Brogan Thomas has become a favourite author of mine, added onto my auto-buy list. I can’t give higher praise than that! Please give her a try, and as always, please please leave her a review!

This is my last blog before Christmas and New Year so I want to take the opportunity to wish you all the very best. I hope you have a magical holiday season filled with love and happiness and good books!

Take care and speak soon, Heather x


Your Free Book Is Waiting

But when I’m hired to retrieve a lost heirloom, I had no idea the job was going to send me careening into a co-existing magical realm where my dog is a hell hound, and where there are werewolves and dragons and elves…

Subscribe to Heather’s newsletter for a free copy of Glimmer of Dragons,
a prequel to my complete series The Other Realm.

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