Author : 
Heather G Harris

The weather has turned glacial the last few days

The weather has turned glacial the last few days

The weather has turned glacial the last few days, so I bought the kids new hats, scarves and gloves yesterday. We had the school Christmas fair and the village Christmas lights switch on. Unfortunately, I had to miss the lights because my son is a bit under the weather. He has a horrible temperature. I’m hoping we’re getting all of the bugs out of the way, ready for a healthy Christmas instead!

I’m spending Christmas at my dad’s house with both of my sisters and their kids, it is going to be wonderfully rowdy. I can’t wait! I’m the most prepared I’ve ever been, I have maybe one or two presents left to get, and then I’m done! How are you getting on with your Christmas preparations? We haven’t done our tree yet, Sierra is still in bitey mode, so we’ll delay another week before she eats our tree… or we’ll come home to her looking nice and innocent…like the dog meme below!

Bookish update

My FREE Christmas Novella is all written for you, it just needs to be edited! I’m going to fire that off today, so fingers crossed you’ll be able to get that soon! I will also be giving Defender of the Pack, Lucy’s prequel novella, away to you all for FREE. That will be coming out next email, December 15th, which is also when the prequel will be going on general sale, but you get it for free for being so awesome and reading my ramblings every other week!

Saviour of the Pack is just being listened to by my beta listeners, and then it has to go through ACX, which can take anything between 5 and 20 working days. I hope with all my might that it will be ready for Christmas! Watch this space.

Yesterday I did a Facebook live interview with fellow urban fantasy author Chris Rowan (C N Rowan) you can catch a replay of that on my Facebook page, or in my Facebook group, Heather G Harris’ Other Realm.




Heather Reads

I’m sure you’re all excited to see this feature back, and so am I, because it means I’ve had time to READ!

A quick mention for Helen Harper, her latest book, Nightingale is out and boy was it a nail biter. I read it in 2 sittings and I’m still recovering. Next one is out in March. It’s a phenomenal series so far!

On to the actual feature today! I am currently reading 3 minutes to midnight by L M Hatchell and I am very much enjoying it. I’m 75% in and I am on the EDGE of my seat! My heart is pounding, wow wow wow! The reason I’m not waiting until I’ve finished it to recommend it, is I know a lot of you read in Kindle Unlimited and this series is being pulled from Kindle unlimited in the next few days. So binge now! While you have the chance, because then the only way to get it is to buy it. It will be available wide though, which means you’ll be able to grab it through nook and kobo and a bunch of other cool places.

Here’s the blurb:

A small Dublin pub …

… holds the key to humanity’s survival.

Who will learn its secret?

Half vampire, half fae, Phoenix is an abomination in the eyes of the supernatural community. Screw them! She’s more than happy to play human in the cosy Irish pub she calls home.

At least until an annoying werewolf comes knocking.

Because Phoenix may be done with the supernatural world, but it’s not quite done with her.

Her birth has triggered a prophecy, and now the clock is ticking. Humanity will be the first to suffer for her existence.

Everything, and everyone, she loves is in danger, and as the body count rises Phoenix must learn to embrace the darkest parts of herself.

Or lose it all.

If you like gripping urban fantasy with some serious attitude, you’ll love this debut novel from Irish author L.M. Hatchell.

This story has been fast paced and fun so far. I really feel for Phoenix who is an outcast because she’s a hybrid, half fae and half vampire. She’s forbidden to exist and has to keep herself hidden for her own safety but when someone nefarious starts provoking trouble in the magical community, can she stand by and do nothing?

This book involves a bunch of younger people coming together to tackle the Big Bag together. For some reason, it reminded me of Buffy in that sense, the scooby gang working together. There’s been some brilliant twists and turns, and I’m utterly invested. I can’t wait to finish this book, but please do GRAB IT NOW before it LEAVES KU!

If you do read it, as always, please please leave a review.

This has ended up being a biggie blog. I really can talk for England! Take care and speak soon,

Heather x

Your Free Book Is Waiting

But when I’m hired to retrieve a lost heirloom, I had no idea the job was going to send me careening into a co-existing magical realm where my dog is a hell hound, and where there are werewolves and dragons and elves…

Subscribe to Heather’s newsletter for a free copy of Glimmer of Dragons,
a prequel to my complete series The Other Realm.

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